16 customizable products found. [i]
  1. Rose Gold Men's Ring Bhakta

    GLAMIRA Men's Ring Bhakta

    14K Rose Gold & Swarovski Crystal

    3 crt - AAAAA

    559 - 2,375,824 $559 - $2,375,824
  2. Rose Gold Men's Ring Hercules

    GLAMIRA Men's Ring Hercules

    14K Rose Gold & Swarovski Crystal & Diamond

    0.24 crt - AAAAA

    441 - 6,018 $441 - $6,018
  3. Rose Gold Men's Bracelet Swadloon

    GLAMIRA Men's Bracelet Swadloon

    14K Rose Gold
    240 - 755 $240 - $755
  4. Rose Gold Men's Ring Banjumoni

    GLAMIRA Men's Ring Banjumoni

    14K Rose Gold & Swarovski Crystal

    0.62 crt - AAAAA

    391 - 917,717 $391 - $917,717
  5. Rose Gold Men's Bracelet Pierre

    GLAMIRA Men's Bracelet Pierre

    14K Rose Gold & Black Onyx

    0.14 crt - AAA

    696 - 7,990 $696 - $7,990
  6. Rose Gold Men's Ring Damian

    GLAMIRA Men's Ring Damian

    14K Rose Gold & Swarovski Crystal & Black Onyx

    0.198 crt - AAAAA

    816 - 12,854 $816 - $12,854
  7. Rose Gold Men's Pendant Matthew

    GLAMIRA Men's Pendant Matthew

    14K Rose Gold & Swarovski Crystal

    3.69 crt - AAAAA

    124 - 139,870 $124 - $139,870
  8. Rose Gold Men's Pendant Sebastian

    GLAMIRA Men's Pendant Sebastian

    14K Rose Gold & Swarovski Crystal

    0.256 crt - AAAAA

    197 - 3,628 $197 - $3,628
  9. Rose Gold Men's Pendant Gideon

    GLAMIRA Men's Pendant Gideon

    14K Rose Gold & Swarovski Crystal

    0.6 crt - AAAAA

    515 - 9,219 $515 - $9,219
  10. Rose Gold Men's Bracelet Rouya

    GLAMIRA Men's Bracelet Rouya

    14K Rose Gold & Swarovski Crystal

    0.65 crt - AAAAA

    1,459 - 20,700 $1,459 - $20,700
  11. Rose Gold Men's Bracelet Snom

    GLAMIRA Men's Bracelet Snom

    14K Rose Gold & Swarovski Crystal

    0.09 crt - AAAAA

    533 - 7,479 $533 - $7,479
  12. Rose Gold Men's Bracelet King

    GLAMIRA Men's Bracelet King

    14K Rose Gold & Swarovski Crystal

    0.36 crt - AAAAA

    756 - 11,484 $756 - $11,484
  13. Rose Gold Men's Ring Hohman

    GLAMIRA Men's Ring Hohman

    14K Rose Gold
    640 - 8,572 $640 - $8,572
  14. Rose Gold Men's Ring Cockswain

    GLAMIRA Men's Ring Cockswain

    14K Rose Gold & Black Sapphire

    0.375 crt - AAA

    652 - 10,192 $652 - $10,192
  15. Rose Gold Men's Pendant Noue

    GLAMIRA Men's Pendant Noue

    14K Rose Gold & Black Sapphire

    0.692 crt - AAA

    530 - 8,677 $530 - $8,677
  16. Rose Gold Men's Bracelet Ceppt

    GLAMIRA Men's Bracelet Ceppt

    14K Rose Gold
    348 - 3,735 $348 - $3,735

You’ve viewed 16 of 16 products


The Essential Guide to Men's Jewellery

Men's jewellery is a growing trend in the fashion world, allowing men to accessorize and express their personal style.
From rings to bracelets and necklaces, men's jewellery offers a wide range of options to enhance any outfit and make a bold statement.
One popular choice for men's jewellery is rose gold in 14K. This warm, romantic, and stylish colour adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to any piece.
Whether you're looking for a sleek and minimalist design or a more intricate and eye-catching piece, rose gold 14K men's jewellery offers versatility and charm that is hard to resist.

Different Types of Men's Jewellery

When it comes to men's jewellery, there are plenty of options to choose from.
Rings: Whether it's a wedding band, a signet ring, or a statement piece, rose gold 14K rings add a touch of luxury and elegance to any man's hand.
Bracelets: From minimalist chains to bold cuffs, rose gold 14K bracelets can be worn as standalone pieces or stacked with other accessories for a layered look.
Necklaces: A rose gold 14K necklace can be a simple pendant or a statement chain, adding a touch of sophistication and style to any outfit.

The Advantages of Men's Jewellery

1. Versatility: Men's jewellery can enhance any outfit, from formal attire to casual wear, adding a touch of elegance and personality.
2. Self-expression: Jewellery is a form of self-expression, allowing men to showcase their personal style and individuality.
3. Confidence Boost: Wearing jewellery can boost confidence and make a man feel more put-together and polished.
4. Attention to Detail: Men's jewellery adds attention to detail, showcasing a man's commitment to his overall appearance.
5. Symbolism: Whether it's a wedding band or a piece with personal significance, men's jewellery often holds sentimental value and serves as a meaningful symbol.
6. Style Upgrade: Adding jewellery to an outfit can instantly elevate the overall style and take it from ordinary to extraordinary.
7. Long-lasting: Rose gold in 14K is a durable and long-lasting alloy that will stand the test of time, ensuring that your jewellery will continue to shine for years to come.

How to Choose Men's Jewellery

1. Personal Style: Consider your personal style and the message you want to convey. Whether you prefer a minimalist, rugged, or sophisticated look, choose jewellery that aligns with your style and resonates with you.
2. Comfort: Ensure that the jewellery you choose is comfortable to wear daily. Consider factors such as weight, size, and adjustable features to find pieces that fit well and won't irritate or inconvenience.
3. Quality: Opt for high-quality materials, such as 14K rose gold, to ensure that your jewellery will maintain its beauty and withstand the test of time.
4. Versatility: Choose pieces that can be easily incorporated into your wardrobe and styled with various outfits. Versatile jewellery allows for more wear and value.
5. Occasion: Consider the occasions where you plan to wear the jewellery. Select pieces that are appropriate for both formal and casual settings, allowing you to effortlessly transition from day to night.
6. Personal Taste: Ultimately, choose jewellery that resonates with your personal taste and brings you joy. Trust your instincts and select pieces that make you feel confident and stylish.

Personalising Men's Jewellery

Adding a personal touch to men's jewellery can make it even more special and unique.
Engraving: Consider engraving a special message, initials, or a significant date on your jewellery. This adds a personal touch and holds sentimental value.
Gemstones: Incorporating gemstones into men's jewellery can add pops of color and visual interest. Choose gemstones that hold personal significance or align with your style.
Custom Design: If you have a specific vision in mind, consider custom designing your piece of jewellery. This allows you to bring your ideas to life and create a one-of-a-kind piece.

Styling With Men's Jewellery

1. Balance: When wearing multiple pieces of jewellery, maintain a sense of balance and avoid overwhelming the look. If you're wearing a statement ring, opt for more subtle bracelets or a necklace.
2. Layering: Experiment with layering different pieces of jewellery to create a unique and stylish look. Combine bracelets, necklaces, and rings to add depth and dimension to your outfit.
3. Occasion: Consider the occasion and dress code when styling your jewellery. For formal events, opt for more understated and elegant pieces. For casual occasions, feel free to mix and match and add bolder pieces for a stand-out look.
4. Complementing Colors: Rose gold in 14K pairs well with warm and neutral tones. Coordinate your jewellery with clothing colors to create a cohesive and balanced look.
5. Confidence: Ultimately, wear your jewellery with confidence. The key to styling men's jewellery is to rock it with self-assurance and let your accessories enhance your overall look.